Sofia Goggia ambassador of Abano Terme for the next 3 years

11 June 2024
11 June 2024 neox

Abano Terme presented the collaboration with champion Sofia Goggia: for the next three years, the skier will be the thermal city’s ‘ambassador’ to the world.

Mayor Federico Barbierato presented the project.

“The initiative is the culmination of the long work of strategic planning of tourism communication carried out by the municipal administration in synergy with the area’s tourism associations. The common objective is to communicate the city through an ambassador of internationally recognised human and sporting value, in order to flank traditional tourism marketing strategies with a narrative of values, stories and people in which guests can recognise themselves; a change of pace and perspective, which favours the construction of a destination brand: no longer designing a logo, but sharing the essence of a place and the founding values of the spa resort.”

“Unlike a testimonial/influencer, who appears in commercials for commercial campaigns, the bond of the brand ambassador has a deeper character, involves an active role in promoting the destination; she puts her face and heart into it. Sofia Goggia is the most loved female skier by Italians, who wins and remains humble and commits herself with all her strength. She falls and knows how to get back up, she knows how to take care of her dreams with energy and will to return to winning, she represents in the best possible way the values that we want to express”.

Sofia Goggia’s international sporting fame is an extraordinary emblem for a medium- to long-term tourism destination narrative at European level. The mayor concludes:
‘A viaticum that will be focused especially on the German-speaking world, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, but also Scandinavian and North American and French.’


However, there will be no Terme Euganee brand on Sofia Goggia’s suit.

As the champion from Bergamo explained, there can only be the brands of the Italian Winter Sports Federation sponsors on that one.Being an ‘ambassador’ of a territory, something different from being a ‘testimonial’ of a brand and a sponsorship, is also a first for her.”I found this agreement particular but nice,” said Sofia Goggia, “I already knew Abano Terme and its thermal cures. I am from Bergamo and so I often travel to Veneto, but Abano is an ideal connecting stop when I travel from home to Cortina, where I often compete in the World Cup. I found the concept of rejuvenating the theme of using spas appealing; spa treatments are part of a wellness path that a person can take regardless of their age and state of health. I think they can provide an additional benefit in a recovery strategy. We athletes, having reached a certain age – I’m thirty-one now – doing competitive sport must also consider these aspects. Surely being an ambassador of this territory, with this spa activity, can add a piece to my puzzle”.

At Villa Bassi, the entire territory welcomed Sofia Goggia, a sign that this operation to promote the Euganean spas was fully supported. Among those present were the President of Federalberghi Terme, Walter Poli, the Vice-President of the Tourism Group of Confindustria Veneto Est, Cristina Borile, and the local and provincial Ascom leaders led by President Patrizio Bertin.



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