Danilo Callegari

  • Discipline
    Extreme Sports
  • Date of birth
    21 February 1983
  • Birth place
    Friuli Venezia Giulia

Danilo Callegari was born on 21 February 1983 in a small village in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, exactly halfway between the mountains and the sea. From a very young age, he has been passionate about extreme sports and loves the mountains, which for him are a great ‘training ground for life’. He loves nature in all its forms and expressions, especially the extreme ones, where a human being can hardly survive, but once he has ‘adapted’, he becomes an integral part of it, entering another dimension.

In addition to mountaineering, he also practices parachuting, a discipline he learnt and refined in the parachute units of the Italian Army, in which he was operational for four years. During this time, he experienced first-hand the harsh reality of war by fighting for over five months in Iraq. A harsh experience that left an indelible mark on his soul, a mark that he turned into the greatest lesson in life.
This mature and conscious approach allows him to face extreme adventures in a rational and planned manner, having imprinted the awareness that the imponderable and the hazard of life are always at stake.

He has explored the most inhospitable places on the planet, swimming in oceanic waters, climbing inaccessible mountains from the Alps to the Himalayas, from the Andes to the Caucasus, flying between mountains and oceans, crossing entire continents by bicycle…then again four deserts and the largest glacier in Europe, crossed independently and by kayak on the highest navigable lake on the planet and through the tormented waters of Patagonia.

Merging air – land – water in a single adventure is his mission.

Danilo Callegari was awarded at the Adventure Awards 2013 with the Gold Beard as best adventurer of the year.



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Neox Managements offers service to other businesses, evaluating and defining marketing and sponsoring strategies aimed to establish partnerships between companies of any kind of sector and the sport world.


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